Being the victim of a car accident is almost never a good thing. More often than not, car accidents result in tragedy, such as serious injury, pain and suffering, or even death. But one Cleveland, Ohio, woman is crediting her recent car accident with saving her life.
The woman was traveling home to Cleveland from a vacation when she was involved in a car accident that totaled her car and left her in the hospital.
The hospital staff performed several tests to determine the extent of her injuries. Those tests revealed malignant spots on her pancreas, which proved to be pancreatic cancer. One of the most deadly forms of cancer, pancreatic cancer is extremely difficult to detect early. By the time most people get sick and start showing symptoms that lead to diagnosis, the disease is already far advanced and has often spread to other organs. The survival rate of pancreatic cancer is only three percent over a five year period.
This woman was very lucky that the cancer was caught early due to the tests performed after her car accident. Her doctors were able to do surgery and remove all of the cancer. The surgery was so successful that she did not need to undergo chemotherapy or radiation.
Even though the treatment of this woman’s injuries prevented far worse health consequences in the future, most car accidents don’t turn out so well. Victims who have suffered injuries due to car accidents may wish to seek the advice of an experienced personal injury attorney to understand their options for compensation.
Source: Cleveland Daily Banner, “Auto accident credited with saving woman’s life,” William Wright, April 23, 2014