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2 killed, 4 injured in Ohio car accident

On Behalf of | Oct 21, 2014 | Car Accidents

Authorities with the Ohio State Highway Patrol report that on Oct. 17, a two-car accident on state Route 4 in Crawford County claimed the lives of two individuals. Four other individuals who were involved were injured in the fatal accident.

The crash occurred around 12:30 p.m. at an intersection. According to the report, an 18-year-old man driving eastbound ran a stop sign and struck the driver’s side of the other vehicle as its driver, a 53-year-old woman, was heading north.

First responders to the scene took the male driver and two of his male passengers, ages 18 and 19, to Bucyrus Community Hospital via Life Star Ambulance. A Mercy Life Flight medical helicopter transported another passenger in the same vehicle, a 21-year-old woman, to Saint Vincent’s Hospital in Toledo. The report did not release the nature and extent of their injuries. The Crawford County coroner declared the female driver and her 56-year-old husband dead at the scene. The police investigation was ongoing at the time of the report.

Ohio residents who have lost a family member due to the negligence of another driver might consider contacting a local attorney to find out how they can hold the driver responsible for their losses. Besides the emotional loss of a loved one’s sudden death, the family may also bear unexpected financial burdens stemming from the incident. An attorney might be able to determine if those surviving family members can pursue compensation via a wrongful death claim. In order to support the family’s claim of negligence in a civil court case, there must be evidence. Police reports, witness statements and accident reconstruction reports may reveal that the driver was speeding, texting or driving under the influence. If the case is successful, the family may be compensated for medical and funeral expenses.

Source: nbci4.com, “Reynoldsburg Couple Killed In Crawford County Crash”, Alex Mazer, October 17, 2014

