People in Massachusetts who drive on the highways and city streets, could find some statistics interesting regarding distracted driving in the U.S. According to the CDC, distracted driving and impaired driving are ever-increasing problems nationwide. U.S. vehicle accidents that involve an impaired driver take the lives of almost 30 people per day, which means that there is an alcohol-related accident every 51 minutes.
Blood tests have shown that 32 percent of drivers with a BAC of .08 percent or higher were between 21 and 24. However, that number decreased to 27 percent for individuals from 25 to 34 and dropped further to 24 percent for people ages 35 to 44. These percentages show that impaired driving is a more prevalent problem among younger drivers.
The number of deaths attributed to drivers who were under the influence was 10,322 in 2010, equaling approximately 33 percent of all U.S. traffic-related deaths. About 18 percent of the deaths involved drugs, and the rest involved alcohol. There were also more than 1.4 million DUI arrests in this country that same year.
Preventing deaths and injuries caused by impaired drivers could involve driver’s license suspensions, more sobriety checkpoints, higher prices on alcoholic beverages and more zero tolerance laws regarding underage drinking. People who are injured or lose loved ones to car accidents involving impaired drivers could be in need of help with knowing their rights and what they need to do to file a personal injury or a wrongful death lawsuit. An attorney could help by advising them of how to proceed and assisting them with filing their case for compensation, which could be used to cover medical expenses, loss of income or final expenses.