Truckers in Ohio may benefit from President Trump’s unwillingness to add new regulations. A proposed rule that would have required truckers to have speed limiters put on their trucks was removed from the active rulemakings list. This was according to an updated version of the DOT regulatory calendar. It is not clear if the DOT will choose to look into or adopt that rule again in the future.
Another proposed rule, this one related to sleep apnea testing, was also abandoned by the DOT. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Medical Advisory Board made recommendations in 2016 as to who should be subject to testing. However, it was determined that there was not enough information to create a good rule. Like the speed limiters rule, it is unclear whether or not the sleep apnea rule will be reviewed or otherwise pursued in the future.
Truck accidents can cause catastrophic injuries to drivers and passengers of other vehicles, in large part because of the enormous size and weight of semi trucks. Injured victims often face months of expensive medical treatment, and in many cases their financial condition is further worsened by an inability to return to work and earn an income.
In the event that the accident was caused by a truck driver who nodded off behind the wheel because of insufficient rest, or who was speeding or distracted by a cellphone or negligent in some other manner, an attorney could help an injured victim seek compensation for those and other losses. In some cases, the trucking company itself could bear financial responsibility under theory of vicarious liability.