Drivers with road rage may think they are just expressing their frustration over problems like traffic, slow drivers, or other driving conditions, but they can be making the roadways more dangerous for everyone. Road rage in cities such as Cleveland may be particularly common because of the mix of city roads with lower speed limits and connections to highways with faster traveling limits.
A new kind of emotion-detecting camera is being studied to determine whether it can help prevent road rage. An agitated driver may be prone to act reckless behind the wheel, endangering others on the road, and possibly causing a car accident. The goal of the technology, which is not yet available in the states, is to capture data when a driver appears to be exhibiting symptoms of road rage and then attempt to relax him or her. The system plays calming music after it detects facial expressions common to feelings of irritation.
Some proponents of the new technology believe that it could be used for individuals who have already been arrested as a result of a road rage incident. A judge could potentially order that the device be installed in a driver’s vehicle in certain cases, helping to calm down angry and unsafe drivers, possibly preventing them from causing a collision.
Individuals with road rage are known for sudden behavior that cannot be anticipated by other drivers, like lane changes without traffic signals, running of red lights, and passing traffic using emergency shoulders. Since angry drivers can be unpredictable, serious car accidents can happen that lead to injuries and even death.
If you have been injured in an accident caused by an enraged driver, it may be important to seek legal counsel. These drivers can often be held accountable for their actions, and it is possible for victims to pursue compensation for their injuries.
Source: Hawaii News Now, “Driving system detects, helps prevent road rage,” April 25, 2014