As some Ohio residents may know, spinal cord injury might result in lost motor and sensory function or paralysis. Treatment for spinal cord injuries depends on the degree of impairment as well as the severity of the injury. Research into treatment modalities is ongoing, and some newer techniques may hold promise.
Spinal cord damage depends on the type of injury. For instance, impact from a car accident may cause trauma to the discs of the spinal column and cause vertebral fracture or compression. This might interfere with the transfer of signals from the brain to the body. If necessary, surgery may be performed to remove the source of compression. A trial is underway to determine if early surgical intervention might result in an improved prognosis.
Tears of the cord due to trauma happen less often and represent a severe type of injury. The nerves that carry the signals may be completely interrupted, and the signals from the brain are unable to reach the body parts below the injury. When the spinal cord is severed, the injury to the cord is complete. This may result in paralysis and an inability to control one’s bladder and bowel.
Treatment for both types of injury might employ the use of steroids to relieve inflammation. Generally, this is thought to work best when administered within eight hours of the injury. While surgery may help compression injuries, complete injury may benefit from newer therapies involving electrical stimulation. Rehabilitation is used to compensate for lost function.
Spinal cord injury may result from trauma caused by the negligence of another individual. The injured party may require extensive and costly hospitalization and long-term medical care. An attorney may help by reviewing the case, assembling evidence to prove negligence and filing a lawsuit aimed at recovering monetary damages.