Filing a personal injury lawsuit is a complicated matter, and not everyone decides immediately to file a suit. There are many factors that come into play that can affect your decision to move forward with litigation after you suffer an injury as a result of someone else’s negligence.
If you live in Ohio and are considering filing a personal injury lawsuit, there is a statute of limitations that you need to be aware of. Here is some important information for you to consider as you explore your options.
Ohio law personal injury limitations
Under Ohio law, there are time limits regarding when you can file a lawsuit for a personal injury claim. Generally speaking, you have two years from the time you suffered an injury in which you can file a lawsuit against the negligent party. However, this is a general rule of thumb and every case is different.
For example, in a particular case in Ohio in which there was a fatality on a fair ride and in which other riders were seriously injured, the law may actually protect the ride’s manufacturer. This is because in that particular case, there is legislation from 2005 that set a 10-year limit on manufacturer’s liability for product defects. This is just one example of how each particular lawsuit can vary under different aspects of Ohio state law.
Exploring your personal injury lawsuit options
Personal injury cases can be very complex and often involve investigative elements to determine another person or company’s negligence in causing the injury. There is a wide range of areas in which a personal injury lawsuit may be a viable option, including motor vehicle accidents (car, truck, motorcycle), dog bites, slip-and-fall injuries, and even injuries as a result of dangerous drugs. You should not automatically dismiss your case because you believe it may not have merit in court. The best way to determine whether you have a lawsuit that could have merit in court is to consult with a personal injury attorney.
A qualified personal injury lawyer will be able to advise you about your options and help you create a strategy for how to proceed. Oftentimes, personal injury attorneys offer a free initial consultation, so there is no obligation and you can gather important information to determine whether you wish to proceed or not.